Sunday 6 January 2008

Vegetarian Attempt

While I am writing this, I am eating a cobb salad. With Chicken. So I think you know where this blog is going.

I did indeed make my attempt at being a Vegetarian. I didn't eat meat all week, even when I went to the Cheesecake Factory and all of the things I love were either burgers, chicken, or meatloaf. I got Evelyn's favorite pasta, and it was actually quite yummy and healthy, although the eggplant chunks were a little large.

But then, I started thinking to myself, why am I doing this? The reason why I wanted to stop eating meat was because every time I am in CT with the fam, we eat meat every night and by the end of my stay, I feel bad for the cows that we have eaten. I am not sure why I feel bad for the cow, but once you feel bad for the cow, you can't eat the cow and really enjoy it. Then, I thought, if I feel bad for the cow, why don't I feel bad for the chicken or the pig? Since I am not discriminatory of animals, I felt like I should feel guilty about eating all living things. So that's when I thought I should be a vegetarian.

Well, you know what? Sometimes, I feel like eating meat. And I am going to eat it. Instead of being a vegetarian, I am going to eat less meat, and only when it is really delicious. This way, I don't waste meat eating on non-delicious meat. I might go straight-up vegetarian later this year, but for now, that is my meat eating policy.

Meanwhile, today I was making my healthy menu for the week, and here is what it is:

Breakfast: every other day, grapenuts hot. On the other days, a Turkish breakfast of: yogurt with honey, pomegranate (and grapenuts, they aren't Turkish, but I love them), Orange wedges and olives on the side OR ricotta with tomatoes.

Lunch: Roasted veggie pitas with hummus or salad. Sides of string cheese or laughing cow, sugar free/fat free pudding or jello, Fruit.

Dinners: Chickpea stew, Ribollita, or Salad (depending on the lunch). (I usually only make a big batch of something, and then repeat during the week). Pasta will probably happen one night. Maybe pizza.

So, yeah, that's a vegetarian menu. I guess I don't know what I am planning to be anymore. I am going to make like a Calvin Klein ad and just be.


Anonymous said...

Just remember...meat tastes great ;-)

marmie said...

the fam is a bit overboard I guess about meat ever since SB days.
loved this blog, laughed out loud.

maimsey said...

just so you know, you would make an AWESOME vegitarian if you wanted to be one.

Anonymous said...

We won't discuss how many times I've tried to be a vegetarian. However this blog embodies why you are awesome and I am glad you are my friend. :) Rock on.

Anonymous said...

Just remember, veggies are living things, too - at least until you rip them up by their roots and steam them until they can't scream anymore.

I have a vegetarian friend whose rule is that she can't eat anything with a face. I always wonder if that means she can eat worms...

Anonymous said...

I never really know what to do when there are comments I want to comment about. Diane, yours made me laugh because I was thinking about that scene in Notting Hill where he is set up with that "Fruitarian" which means she can only eat the fruits and veggies that have fallen off the tree or died naturally.... who knows what I am talking about?

Anonymous said...

I know what you're talking about!! I thought of my friend the face-less veggie during that entire scene...