Wednesday, 14 October 2009


So, I haven't written in this in a while, largely because I have nothing interesting to say. I know, I know, when has that ever stopped me in the past? But, aside from getting into daily fights with Comcast about the equipment I have yet to return (I'm trying to get them to cover shipping to a payment center, meanwhile I am holding my cable box and remote hostage), nothing is really going on.

Except that fairly random people are finding my blog. I love that. You know, this started out as a blog almost no one knew about, then my mom found it and sent it to all of her friends, and now my blog is famous. If you do a google searches about various topics like cargo pants, you will get my blog. If you input, "Horatio Caine vs. Chuck Norris," my post is the VERY FIRST RESULT. How cool is that?

Clearly, I am awesome and I write about topics people want to read about.

In other random news, there are two new video clips on the right hand side of this website. How did they get there? That wasn't the kind of question I normally ask and then answer myself. I really want to know. The only one I posted was the one with Miss Piggy roller skating through Central Park. Now there are two other muppet related youtubes hanging out with Miss P. I love muppets, so I am not going to remove them, but seriously, how did that happen? Did someone hack in and add more youtubes? Did youtube take it upon itself to add more content to my blog? I am boggled.

Also, if you are a new reader to this blog because you stumbled upon it accidently, don't read the most recent posts-- they are dullsville. Skip ahead (or skip back?) to some of the earlier ones.

That's it from me today-- catch ya on the flip side.

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