Saturday 22 September 2007


Today I made the mistake of going shopping for some new fall clothes. I wanted a new pair of jeans because I realized I have 3 pairs that I wear and 2 of those were actually really ratty and at any moment could become not wearable and then what would I do on casual Fridays?

So, I went to my normal stores and all of the short/ankle length jeans just seemed a lot longer than normal. Like, so long that when I stood on my tippy toes I still had at least 2 inches that were dragging on the ground. Yes, I know I can get things tailored, but I always feel that once jeans get hemmed they lose a little something. I mean, anyone can tell that they have been tailored, plus the proportions are all wrong.

Anyway, I decided that if I ever become wealthy enough, I will put some money to work with somebody who knows something about designing jeans and will get them to design a line of jeans that has sizes in measurements instead of arbitrary numbers. I mean, men's jeans are measured out by waist and inseam, why can't women's? My line of jeans will also include thigh measurements because we all know some women don't have thighs and some of us do. But that doesn't mean if we have large thighs we have large waistlines and are tall and vice versa.

Last, I have come up with a name for my new denim pant (or trousers, Diane) line: Jenns.

Yup, that's right, I am so self-absorbed I have to name them after myself. Also, I think it will be really easy for people to switch over from Jeans to Jenns. "I need to go pick up a new pair of Jenns." "How does my butt look in these Jenns?" Etc.



Anonymous said...

didn't we have this conversation on the way to the Cape like 2 years ago?

Jennifer said...

oh no! I am on reruns and I didn't know it. We might have had this conversation before. However, did I come up with the idea they were called Jenns? I thought that was new at least. We all know I have been rooting for waist/thigh/inseam measured jeans for years now, but did everyone know they were going to be called Jenns?

Yikes. I have to try to remember my ramblings so I don't get called out on them again.

marmie said...

Jane/Jenn, I never heard of you naming your jeans jenns so I think that's new. maybe mr. history is just jealous because he isn't in a book club. perhaps your jenns could be sold at the hot chocolate shoppe (where of course book clubs will be held).

Anonymous said...

As someone who's all thigh and no waist, I'll definitely buy a pair of Jenns! Plus, I think this counts toward your 'get crafty and make a profit from it' goal.

S said...

Ok, for the record, I would like to place the first order for Jenns, even though I can tell by the amount of work that will go into them that they'll be quite expensive. But for once, a pair of jeans might fit me perfectly!

Meanwhile, I think everyone's jealous that they're not in a book club. My book club consists of me going to restaurants on my lunch break and reading by myself. It's a lonely lonely club.