Friday, 16 January 2009

Best job in the world

On Diane's blog, I saw this link.

Basically, you can live on the Great Barrier Reef for 6 months, get paid more than I make in a year, and you are living on the Great Barrier Reef.

I am going to apply, because I have recently discovered I HATE WINTER.

It has been so cold I just can't stand it. I will even get over my fear of snorkeling/ scuba diving for this opportunity. So. I need help. Who wants to take a video of me pleading my case? I am going to research the Great Barrier Reef and I think it will be best if we video me out in Boston shivering in my one million layers saying "Please, pick me to live on your beautiful island, otherwise I will suffer here. We only get one month of summer every year." I just realized they will probably pick someone from Alaska or Siberia.

My only concern is flying out there for the interview process. But, if it came to that, I feel like I'd have to go, you know?


S said...

I heard about this on the radio on Wednesday morning while driving to work. Definitely go for it! For the sake of all of us who can't go for it, please please let us live vicariously through you!

marmie said...

Rebecca will be livid.

Anonymous said...

Several of us at work were discussing this. One guy sent in his application, because they're cutting his position anyway.