Saturday 3 January 2009

Quirk #4: Disorganized Organization/ New Year's Resolutions

My life can be a bit of a disaster at times. Not that I am a screw up... but that I am not the neatest of people. Part of me doesn't like that about me and wishes I could change, but the other part of me finds it endearing. I've also always heard that geniuses thrive on clutter... so it goes without saying why that makes me feel good.

However, despite the fact I can make a mess in the guest bedroom within five minutes of being in my parents' home, I do prefer a clean, organized, environment. At work we have a clean desk policy. And though sometimes I don't abide by it, but I usually do enjoy taking the last five minutes of my day to go through the papers on my desk and file or recycle as necessary. Yesterday I was at work, bored out of my skull because everyone is on vacation, so I decided to clean out my desk. And you know what I found-- it didn't need to be cleaned! What! I don't think I ever had a desk that didn't require a good 2-day dosage of organization at some point or another. Maybe I am changing.

Anyway, this post is kind of going off on tangents, but here's the point. I have a new resolution for the year. To get it together. I am going to try my damnedest to be a grownup. You heard me. Of course, there will be the list that haunts me on the sidebar (and I will continue to work on those items as well) but I will also try to be more responsible on a regular basis.

You are probably wondering how I am going to achieve this productive responsibility nonsense I am going on about--- and it all comes down to time management. I am probably one of the best people in my office when it comes to time management. Give me thirty projects and deadlines and I promise you I will get them all done on time with limited long hour days. I am not sure why I haven't applied this skill to my personal life yet. I think what it comes down to is I like to be considered spontaneous and fun and always up for adventure, and for some reason I had this idea responsible people don't get to be like that. I think I am wrong on that point. So--- I am going to create a routine. I already know what I should be doing, but I am going to actually do it. It is all the stuff normal people do without thinking about, but people like me need to write it down and tell people about it so they can be held accountable.

Here's my routine I plan on implementing for 2009:

(1) Plan the week's meals ahead so I can be a smart grocery shopper
(2) Pick out clothes and make lunch the night before
(3) Never leave dirty dishes in the sink unless unavoidable
(4) Work out in AM; pursue the creative in the evening

That's all I am going to put on the list, because it is just a general guideline I am going to start following. To motivate me on the food one; I have set up a food blog about cooking for one. Because honestly, I am a good cook, and I need to force myself to cook more. Here's the link (Adventures in A Tiny Kitchen), check it for updates if you are curious on that front.

For the creative pursuits- I've also just set up my Etsy shop. It is going to focus on goods created from things that would be otherwise thrown out (i.e. jeans and khakis that have rips and cannot be donated, dead christmas tree lights, broken dishes, etc). I am not ready to post that website here yet, but I will as soon as I have some things made.

Today's project is getting my apartment in order for the new year so I can start off with a clean slate. No more cluttered desk, no more unfinished curtains and pillows. Time to be a grownup.


Anonymous said...

I'm sort of inspired to start my "Run-Fatboy-Run" Blog, that I've been talking about for the past month and a half...And to organize all my clutter. I always want my stuff at work neat and orderly, but it never works out. I change organizational patters too often. I'm glad my destroyed pants will be put to good use, too.

I like your short list. It seems very doable. By the way, you're officially a blog junky like me...but better, because you write in them.

My three resolutions:
Complete my final 3 classes to get a raise.
Use my gym membership to its fullest potential.
Begin blogging as regularly as I used to (and did on my football blog) as soon as I finish those classes.

So, good luck...

marmie said...

Okay, first, your resolutions make YOU sound like ME and that scares me silly.

from an expert...being responsible and organized and grown up DOES take away from being spontaneous.

so my resolution for the new year is to BE OCCASIONALLY spontaneous (baby steps). I will also try to keep my desk NEATER during the day (hard for you to believe that piles amass to the point where there is a bottomless pit, thereby sucking away precious time at day's end.

both of those things considered, I will not give up running outdoors when it's humanly possible.
good luck on your goals--on to your Kitchen Blog now! :)

Anonymous said...

I don't mean to be the middle-child bad influence when you've set out such a responsible goal, but I have one question for you - WHY???

I've been a grown up about certain things so that I can be completely irresponsible about other things. I studied hard so that I could get a good job (where I have to be a grown up during working hours) so that I can cover my costs and buy an island someday. Why in the world should I live up to someone else's expecatation that my bed will be made and my fridge will be full of fruit and vegetables? If I want to spend the weekend in the garden doing nothing but drinking cocktails and reading Oprah magazine, I'm entitled to do that.

I guess to me, being a grown up is about not being a drain on society and knowing what your personal priorities are and making them happen. So if it's really, really important to you that you have your weekly grocery shopping done so that you can make lunch, then that's great. If it's really more important to you to become the surf champion of MA, then to me, it's your grown-up responsibility to do that instead : )

marmie said...

can I hang out on D's island?
jenn, how do I log on to leave a comment on your food blog? it got awfully complicated. so I'll tell you right now that you should work up to having your own cooking show...or possibly send these incredibly clever recipes to a newspaper or magazine?
you never know....