Thursday 2 July 2009

Savannah Love

You might know this already but I have this tendency to prematurely jump ahead to the end result before even completing step 1 in real life. I did this while in the midst of applying for a job at SCAD (Savannah College of Art and Design). Now, I have only been to Savannah twice, but I do love it there. It is a pretty little city that is super artsy and very Jenn.

Here I am, plugging away at the clunky online application system when I start daydreaming about my new life located in Savannah, GA. So, I take a pause to search for my new home (I will need a place to live, right). Lo and behold I find approximately 30 million places that all cost half or less than what I pay for my current apartment in Boston, are two to three to five times the size, and, the frosting on the cake, almost all of them allow dogs.

In my head, I have fallen in love with Savannah and planned our future life together (I will live in a 2+ bedroom apartment/house with wraparound porch and adorable dog name Mr. McRuffington) and I haven't even finished applying for the job.


So---- here's where you come in. Anyone know of any job openings in Savannah? I think I need to go to there. Now.


marmie said...

ahhh...i'm already envisioning visiting you during my april break, sipping something very Savannah-ish (okay, I'll just have sauv. blanc) on your wrap-around porch.... oh dear, your Jenn-ism has rubbed off on me. I'm jumping ahead too. sounds absolutely dreamy though. see, the world IS your oyster. you have the pick of any place at all to go.... :)

Shannon Karafanda said...

What exactly do you do? SCAD has a branch in Atl of course I could use a place to road trip to.

C said...

cold call this place, for 3 reasons: museum, savannah, educational programs

C said...

by the way...there are a few museums...,+savannah,+ga&aq=f&oq=&aqi=g1

Jennifer said...

See my next post for more about "what I do"...