Friday, 31 July 2009

Wait for it... wait for it...

I finally got contacted about a job. And it wasn't just any job.... it was the one I called my Dream Job (in a previous post but I am way too lazy to link to that right now. If you are reading this and there is a link, then I can pat myself on the back for getting over the fact I have to navigate away from one page to get the address and then come back in order to link it up).

Anyway, I didn't get an interview, but they did ask for more information about my perspective on things... You know, the read this and respond and then we will decide if we like you. Which I was completely fine with because I actually like getting assignments and completing them. If I could have printed it out on pink paper and submitted it in one of those plastic report folders I would have been a happy camper. I also sort of wish I could have made it a multimedia report, but we'll save that for another time I guess. Nerd Alert.

I turned that in and am waiting to hear if I get a call for an interview. In the meantime..... I have already started researching apartments in New York City. Because you know, why not? It's clear they are going to hire me and I am going to move there, so I am just preparing for the inevitable. Not jumping the gun at all.

My number 1 (and only) place to find apartments is Craigslist. It serves me well in Boston. I know which ones are the scams and which places are legit. I know the neighborhoods. I know if you find a really cheap apartment in Back Bay it's actually in Framingham.

New York city apartment searching via Craigslist is a lot trickier. I put in "Chelsea" and got places in Harlem. Then I tried "Brooklyn" and I got New Jersey, Bridgeport, and even New Haven.

Okay, I am not sure where this story is going. END SCENE. Shut it down.


C said...

Lots of cities have a "brooklyn" section. I know Waterbury does. So, maybe New Haven and the BPT do, too. North Jersey may be cheaper, and just as easy. So yeah...My $.02

C said...

Another resource.

C said...

I also like that if you put a neighborhood into Wikipedia, it tells you tons about it.

C said...

I think I'm up to like $.25