I've been away for a week, and I think it is time for some updating. Also, I am adding a goal (number 9).
Number 1: Learn to surf. This past week I was on the Cape and happened to visit the "Secret Surf Break of 2007" daily. Not because I was learning to surf, but because it was the only beach my family could get into. And I think we all know that it wasn't actually a prime surfing spot because (a) this is Cape Cod we are talking about here and (b) the only surfing that was being done was people doing nosedives into rocks. Needless to say, I haven't learned to surf yet. Still holding out for Costa Rica. I actually am surprised I haven't gone to Costa Rica yet. I think it is on the list of free trips I have earned through work come next summer. However, do I really want to wait until Summer 2008 to go to Costa Rica? Plus, isn't that the rainy season? Plus, there are many reasons why I shouldn't count on work to send me for free.
Number 2: I'd say I am well on my way to completing this one. Granted, I haven't actually seen a bean, and as Diane says I need to thin out my little seedlings to make those work, but I think we can all say that I did grow something before killing it. I love being vague on my to-do list. Eureka--this one is done!( P.S. I bought a new watering can that is going to be the cover of my new book "The Apartment Gardener." If you can't see the picture today, check again tomorrow. I may not have posted it yet.)
Number 3: Music music music. One time I tried to get my Dad to teach me how to play the guitar. It hurt my fingers and did I mention I am not the musical one in the family? I blamed my lack of skill on the strings being too difficult for a beginner. I think the lessons lasted a period of one day before I quit. Although I have not signed up for electric guitar lessons as of this moment, I think the second time is a charm. Wait, years and years of catch phrases and sayings just caught up to me and is informing me that the third time is a charm. Who came up with that and why? You know it must have been some over-achieving kid's parents who thought this one up. Their kid was about to throw a temper tantrum because he failed twice at something (I am too tired to really think of something clever here) and then they said, "you know honey, try again, third times a charm." And that time, boy, he was successful. I certainly hope so anyway. You can only mess up so many times before you're an idiot for not getting it right. Okay, so here's a call for drummers and electric guitar players. Share your secrets with me and I will make you several batches of my world famous banana chocolate chip muffins. I'm not kidding. Surely your time is worth several muffins, eh?
Number 4: Learn to draw again. Yes, I have relearned drawing, so I'd like to cross this off my list. However, I am going to kick this goal up a notch and make it-- keep drawing. Just keep on drawing. I am the queen of forgetting what makes me happy and taking that drawing class reminded me that I love drawing. So, I am going to stop collecting art supplies and letting them sit in my closet. Instead, I am going to fill up all of the empty sketchbooks, set up my gorgeous french easel, and let the creative juices flow once and for all. Brilliant. Just thinking about it makes me tired, so as soon as I finish this post I think I will take a nap.
Number 5: Okay, so I know on my initial update of the List, I said I was really close to this goal. I have to admit I fell off the wagon. A situation presented itself and I really needed some shoes. I can't say exactly what this situation was because it may or may not have to do with the fact that I am an undercover spy and I had a top secret mission where it was absolutely neccessary to have a new pair of beautiful Italian heels. To see them would be to fall in love with them. Really, I know I don't need to justify myself here because this is my shoe problem and not yours, but my other black shoes broke, and they needed to be replaced. Immediately. So, that was a couple of weeks ago. By the end of this month I should be allowed a new pair of shoes without breaking the one month rule. (Thank goodness, because fall shoes could possibly be my favorite.)
Number 6: Sugar art. LJ says we have a candy thermometer. I say, excellent. Then I remembered, melted sugar is scorching hot. I need some silicone gloves for protetction. I've been on the lookout, but something tells me you won't find those in your neighborhood Williams Sonoma. Have you ever had that unfounded feeling you will be good at something? Well, every since I realized I was a paper sculpting genius in 5th period study hall senior year of high school, I have known I was meant to put my 3D art skills to better use. Sugar show pieces are my calling. I am sure of it.
Number 7: I haven't written anything other than this blog lately. I am contemplating taking a humor writing class to get started. I don't really find myself funny, but my mom thinks I am hysterical.
[Sidenote: I have started writing a work of literary fiction in my head.. What I hope to happen (and this could be wishful thinking) is to write Novel A in my head in its entirety, then take a long weekend to type it up as a readable manuscript, then, send it off to the publishers. Who the heck these people are I have no idea, but details details. Then, once everyone loves it because surely they will- it's genius- I am going to send the completed book off to my Jr year English teacher and say, 'Hey, guess what, I wrote this in one draft over the course of one weekend and NOBODY peer edited it for me. What have you gotten published lately?' Did I mention I still have rage against my HS English teacher? Yup, I won't lie that getting something published is basically to spite him.]
Number 8: I think I am the world's worst running trainee. (1) I have hardly ran at all this summer; instead have been enjoying the elliptical machines in the cool, air conditioned confines of Healthworks. (2) After finally biting the bullet and running outside at the Cape, I realized there is no way in H-E-double hockey sticks that I am going to be able to pull off a 5k in thirty minutes anytime soon unless I really start trying. I could barely finish 1.3 miles in 15 minutes. Even though I am not as good at math as Stacey, I am pretty sure if I can't do the FIRST 1.3 miles in 15 minutes then I won't be able to do the second 1.8 miles in 15 minutes. (3) Did I mention I hate running? I do. I really really do.
Number 9: Sell items of my own making. Okay, so almost my whole life I have been a crafty person. However, I have not really been able to use these powers for good, yet. I have been hoarding them actually and no one has been able to benefit from my craftiness. I found a website that sells works of artisans all of the country (maybe world) and I am going to make some items to sell on there. Once that takes off, I can quit my day job and focus on the To-Do List. Once I have some of my wares online I will share the website with all of you. (I don't recommend holding your beath, if this item goes as well as the previous 8, it could take a while for this to be a reality).
Okay-- so in a nutshell-- items left to complete--- all of them (although I do give myself props for not killing the plants yet). I am so good at this making a list and getting it done, it is not even funny. No, really, it's not.