Tuesday 28 August 2007

Je deteste raisins in baked goods...

...and it turns out I am not the only one! This wins the award of best t-shirt design of the day, as found on Threadless and brought to my attention by LJ.I don't want you guys to think I am a raisin hater, though. I really like raisins actually. I just don't like when the invade baked goods like cookies, muffins, and cakes. The only bits that should be in those sugar confections are things that come in the form of morsels like chocolate, peanut butter, butterscotch and other candy related items. There is no need to add the raisin or even craisin with their weird texture. Whenever a raisin surprises me in a baked good my first thought is that maybe a fly fell in the batter. Then, after the examination of the chewy bit of brown mush reveals it to be a raisin, I am generally just as disturbed by my findings as I would have been if it had been a fly. It's especially upsetting if it is a cookie and you see the dark brown specks and assume they are chocolate chips only to be sorely disappointed by the fact they are raisins.

Furthermore, why do some people insist on adding raisins to oatmeal? Not too long ago I was at Johnny D's and I made the terrible mistake of starting with oatmeal instead of cheesy grits. Had I known the oatmeal would come with raisins floating in it like drowning beetles I would have requested they be removed. There is something about the gooey goodness of oatmeal that should be left pure, with only the addition of brown sugar, maple syrup, and on the rare occassion fresh fruit to enhance the oaty flavor.

I know, I know, some of you are texture-philes and like the chewy dried grapes added to your baked goods and oatmeal and maybe even your chicken salad (gross!) but I for one would prefer they be left to be eaten from those tiny boxes as an after school snack.P.S. If I could meet one person who was alive, dead, or animated, it would be the Sunmaid herself. I'd love to be able to explain to her my views on raisins, and convince her to help me in my fight against raisins in baked goods. I am sure she'd agree that raisins are best enjoyed straight from the box as they are a healthy and delicious snack for kids. Also, I'd love to spend time in her magical vineyard and watch how the sparkling sun dries the grapes and transforms them into raisins. How interesting it would be to learn about the process from the Sunmaid herself! Her fabulous personality as well as her knowledge on organic raisin making makes her my favorite of all of the animated food characters.


Anonymous said...

Funny thing about this...I whole heartedly agree, but like all things, there is an exception to my rule. I love oatmeal raisin cookies. All other things, do not put raisins in, and for that matter, do not put nuts, peanuts, pudding, for fruit in some gelatinous syrup in my baked goods.

marmie said...

this was laugh out loud good. you need a writing job..have you considered sending in some of your commentaries to a local paper in need of wit and humor? i highly recommend an attempt.

Diane Flynn said...

Je deteste raisins in everything!

My dad used to try sneaking white raisins into his homemade paska, thinking if we didn't see them we wouldn't know they were there. I think that only fuelled my hatred of the raisin - they are the only food I will actually spit out of my mouth if I somehow manage to ingest one.

For info, when in the UK, you also have to add sultanas and currants to the list, as they are basically the same thing as raisins and people will tell you that, "no, the carrot cake has no raisins" but won't mention that it is chock-full of sultanas (I did quite a lot of picking at desserts and spitting out raisin-like substances when I first moved here).

maimsey said...

am i the only one who loves chocolate chip cranberry cookies? it looks like it!

if i could meet one person dead, alive or animated it would have to be tony the tiger. it would be so interesting to watch him tear my head off with his massive teeth and chew delightfully on my flesh all because i was eating his frosted flakes.

Anonymous said...

Good words.

delia said...

well Jennifer what can I say, I love raisins from the box and chocolate chips in cookies, this from the actual Sunmaid Raisin girl herself...

ME...the last Sunmaid Raisin Girl