Saturday 28 July 2007

Blogs of Note

As a relative newcomer to the world of blogging (aside from my brief stint as a livejournalist, that is), I stumble upon intriguing elements of this blogging site each time I come in to add a post. One such thing is this list called "Blogs of Note." I am thinking this is some sort of award that is given out daily to interesting blogs. Clearly, I want to be on this list. I tried to figure out if there were some guidelines on how to become a blog of note. There were none to be found. Since blogger doesn't want to tell me how I can make my blog get on that list by tricky manipulation of the system, I decided I would check out the blogs of note and try and find the common bond. Were they all really interesting? Do they have a lot of readers? What makes these particular blogs so noteworthy?

Some of these blogs were really good. To be honest, though, some were really not good. One such not good blog seemed to be geared towards the elderly. You know, people who are interested in reading about really really old music and westerns. I could be way off base here, but I am pretty sure people of that age are not going onto blogspot and searching for blogs about their salad days. My grandmother is probably the most web savvy person of that generation that I know, and she uses it mainly to write emails and play scrabble. I don't foresee her stumbling upon this blogging website and then saying to herself, "Hmm, let me see if I can find someone who writes about music I listened to when I was 10." However, I must be extremely incorrect, because that blog was a blog of note, and my witty and charming blog about the coolest person ever (me) is not.

Anyway, now it is one of my goals to make my blog a blog of note. I think I narrowed down two ways to get this done. One: lots of readers or two: advertisements. Since I don't want ads on my blog right now (although, I feel like people- and by people I mean advertisers and sketchy internet pop-ups- keep mentioning that ads in my blog could make me money. If this is true I want to know about it), I am going to have to try to get lots of readers. So I guess, spread the word about my blog. Tell people to leave comments. If you know other bloggers, have them read this too. I think if you link other people's blogs in your blog then that makes people like you enough to make you a blog of note. Not sure, though. It could just be a away for people to feel connected out here in the world wide web.

So, let's see if we can make this happen. I will do my part--I will try to write some more fake news articles (those seem to be a hit) and maybe post more about my list (I think I am going to start planting things soon, that should make for interesting reading indeed). I can't guarentee every future post won't be boring. But, I can guarentee that each post will be long and almost definitely pointless.

Today's word use count
Word: Blog. Also, blogger, blogging, blogspot.
Total number of times blog, blogger, blogging, or blogspot was used in this blog: 34

(Note: the word count could be totally off. It was done by counting on fingers and toes, and we all know I only have 20 of those. So any number higher than 20 ends up being a mere guess.)

(Also note: don't you like how I put "Today's word use count" as though I pick a word for every post and count it? Truth is, I have never done a word count before. I am tricky like that.)


marmie said...

if anyone deserves to be a noteable blogsite, it would be you. Especially since this is my 3rd entry to you and the first two were a) deleted because Dad was checking circuits and the computer went down and b) I didn't have a Blogger Display Name. Now I am official, and here is your first comment for this blog entry. By the way, I sent your blog address to a cast of 'thousands' (ha!) so I am sure you will soon get the noteable recog. you deserve. xox

Enri Zoltz said...

I too am on the hunt to find a secret formula, some keyhole or password to enter the elite ranks of "blogs of note." I have just started, so I am not in a panic, but as the days go on I become increasingly interested in this phenomenon. I am now beginning to research the comment count. I think that before you can enter the eye of that needle, you must first become the Angelina Jolie of blogs. This blows, because I write poetry. What poet wants to actively search attention from strangers for fear of being artistically affected by their opinions. Obviously, I am looking for some kind of obscure middle ground. Ultimately, I would like to know that I am providing a quick fix to someones otherwise poetryless day. Especially, since my poems are short in form. Anyway, enough about my blog and more about our plight to find a way into the Skull & Bones of blogs. I will certainly stay in touch with regard to my insights on this topic.